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All of the books on this website were written by Pacific Northwest resident KiKi Canniff.
During the 1980’s and ‘90’s KiKi wrote about Oregon’s and Washington’s recreational attractions. During that time, she wrote books about Oregon and Washington’s free attractions, campgrounds, historic sites, and recreational sites. Most of the books are no longer published; the following books have updated editions available.
In 1981 her book on Oregon’s Sauvie Island first came out. SAUVIE ISLAND; A STEP BACK IN TIME covers the history and recreational aspects of this island. The book has been updated, especially on the current attractions. THE NORTHWEST GOLFER, first published in 1986, has been updated. There is both an Oregon and a Washington book. They appear on the OneMorePress. com. Pacific Northwest web page.
Around the year 2000, KiKi was working as a Tax Consultant, and began writing books on how self -employed people could save money on taxes. You will find these books on the TAX web page.
As one of the ANSWERGIRLS, KiKi wrote the book on busting sadness, THE NO BS HANDBOOK; HOW TO BE HAPPY IN SPITE OF OTHERS. You will find it on the OneMorePress. com Answergirls web page.
In 2015 and 2017 KiKi had two strokes which left her with voice and mobility disabilities. A true writer, this led to her now writing fiction novels, as well as getting help with her non-fiction book updates.
You will find KiKi’s fiction books on the Fiction web page. Her first two fiction novels are named OUR FAMILY DINNER and HIPPIES; TODAY, YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW. The first novel will be ready in late 2024; the second in early 2025.
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